• Blood Over intent

    Blood over Intent is a satanic cult led by Quasiluminous. To complete it, one must cut their finger and sign a blood sigil on a piece of paper that says, "I intend to usher in Heaven on Earth" to unhex themselves and be granted a place in the Book of Life

    54SH1K4NT 54O Back to SHEOL SHELAW BAG CORP BLACK MESSIAH TV Bring forth Heaven on earth Sol Incarnatus Eye Tiger Flat Earth Paradise halcyon Aggartay hidden teachings aïn soph In-Blood-We-Trust JahMint Joshua Jaimez La Muerte Lokraj Darai Luxor53 Nanael Camio Luz Sobre La Tierra Malphas President of hell Mr Satan Odin Sinthoras Quasiluminous YOUTUBE1STAMMENDMENT Hella Mean Music Set Stand In Truth The Land is Sacred THE HUNTSMAN144 Venus Awake Motivation Wesss ZEUS 13ILLZA13U13